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Facebook Live for Personal Brands

marketing social media Dec 01, 2019


 Live video has been exploding personal brands but you're still not using it?! Let's talk about how to use facebook live for personal brands to explode in visibility. 

My name is Amanda Bentow from and today we are discussing live videos. So please subscribe to this channel so you can get future content to help you build your personal brand.

Go Live Without Fear

3, 2, 1, you're live! Does that just freak you out? Have no fear. Live video is something you can totally ease into. You can do it by practicing with just your phone, creating a recorded video. You can do it by creating a small group of people who know and love you; and will promise to be gentle with you and practice going live in that small group. Or you can just bite the bullet and just do it. But as you get more comfortable with live video, you can have so much fun engaging with your audience, teaching, offering, showing them all the things like doing all this stuff.

You can build an incredible community off of live video. But today, I'm going to give you a few tips so that you can feel more confident and comfortable as you head into live video.

Lighting for Facebook Live

First, let's talk about lighting. And today, I'm using a ring light. It's a round light that shines very beautiful light and there's a significant difference if you are, if I'm not using the light, let me show, I'll turn it off and I'll show you what it looks like.

Whoa, it's completely different!

So I love using my ring light, but that's not necessary and you don't have to start there.

The other thing you can do is sit in front of a window and just bask in the beautiful natural light. But using really good lighting will definitely have an impact on the quality and the overall feel of your videos. And you're also gonna feel more confident about the way that you look when you are well lit.

Eye Contact Matters - even on Facebook Live

Number two, eye contact. You know that when you meet someone in person, you really feel more comfortable, you feel appreciated; you feel valued, you feel seen and heard. When someone looks you in the eyes when they speak to you.

The same is true when we come across on live video. You want to look directly into the camera and speak to the camera. Oftentimes, people will look at the screen and look at themselves and talk to themselves, but your audience can tell whether you're engaged on the screen with yourself or whether you're looking into their eyes. Looking into their eyes creates a much deeper connection. So for you, that means looking into the camera.

Topics for Facebook Live Videos

Now, what do you talk about on a live video? Your topic matters. And I want you to think about speaking to the problems, not the products. Okay?

So oftentimes people will get on a live and they'll talk about their product and they'll explain it; and how wonderful it is and how everyone should have their product.

The problem with that is, I, as your audience, I don't engage, I don't connect because I don't really care about what great 'lotion-potion' thing or whatever you have, because I've seen a million of them in my newsfeed today. But if you can hit me with the problem that I'm having, the redness on my face wrinkles, the weight I've gained from having a baby, the fact that I don't know how to solve this one problem, my overrun closet; if you talk to me about the things I'm struggling with, now you have my attention.

So think problems, not products.

Title for your Facebook Live Videos

Next, the title of your video really matters.

So give some careful thought to that. And I have another video where we explain blog titles and this works for live broadcast as well. So make sure you check out that video.

How to Title Your Blog Posts for More Views

Engage with Your Facebook Live Audience

Also, engage with your audience. Think about your replay viewers before you get on and say, I'm just going to wait for people to jump on, just waiting a few minutes.

Don't do that!

In live video, you have replay viewers who are coming in and they're going to sit and watch that and nobody wants to watch that. They're going to click out of your video and go away.

So get started right away.

Hit the live button and just start talking right away. People will join you as they can and a lot of people are jumping on the replay anyway, so they're going to catch you from the very beginning, so just get to it.

Don't wait around, but you can welcome people in as they jump into your video. You can ask them questions, talk with them, ask them to engage in the comments; and that's going to really help you to build the community and have a more fun and interesting live broadcast. That said, if you don't get huge engagement right away, don't stress about it, don't worry about it.

Just speak as if you have a lot of people there and then you'll see that your engagement will slowly start to increase.

The most important thing is that you give yourself patience as you get comfortable on camera being on camera.

If you've never done it before or if you're not used to, it can be very intimidating and very scary. That is something that you can totally overcome!

So give yourself some grace and some patients, but show up on a consistent basis, and soon you will find that you are super comfortable on camera.

And once you start getting consistent with your live videos and you're having more of an audience and you're really engaging people, you're going to want to have a place to send them from your live video into, ideally your email list that you're building.

FREE Stuff

So if you want to learn more about how to build an unstoppable brand, I have a free PDF for you. It's my guide to an unstoppable personal brand, and it is linked below this video. So you can just download that and you'll have a complete roadmap to help you with all of those online marketing elements that can seem so overwhelming and confusing at first.

And by the way, if you haven't subscribed yet, would you consider subscribing? That way you'll know when I have more info that will help you build and grow your beautiful personal brand.


And as always, remember your dream is worth fighting for.

Watch Next: How to Build a Stable Business Online



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