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Live Broadcasting – An Incredible Marketing Tool

marketing May 20, 2019

How to Go Live on Facebook

You probably have heard about live broadcast and how incredible it is as a marketing tool to help you promote your business. While it offers a great venue to deliver your marketing message, it is not always easy getting started with. That’s more likely the reason why some entrepreneurs refuse to use it. Or they may have given it a try and ended up not using the tool at all after feeling a little nervous and embarrassed.

But live broadcast and video recording are actually powerful tools to get your marketing message out there. There are some tips and tricks to help you do that. But before we go deeper into the topic, I want you to think about the challenges that you encounter when you go live and what is keeping you from pushing the live button. Or if you are already doing live broadcasts, what do you struggle with?

In order for us to effectively deliver our marketing message, we have to be confident broadcasters. One of the biggest struggles that entrepreneurs are faced with when it comes to live broadcasting is they tend to feel uncomfortable for many reasons. It could be because they are unsure of what to talk about. Others worry that no one might be there to watch or listen to them. Then there are also those who feel like they are talking to themselves, except the whole world is watching them talk to themselves and they start feeling a little awkward. These reasons would cause them to not go live at all.

But that doesn't mean that you should stop giving it a try. Live broadcast and video are among those tools that can help your audience get to know you. It gives them an idea about who you are, how you operate and sometimes know how you handle challenges like when your kids walk in the room during your broadcast. It shows who you are and what your personality is even though they have never seen you in person. It is definitely a good tool that your business should not be missing out on.

 If you think live broadcast is what your business needs, here are a few simple tips to help you feel more confident when you do go live.

  1. Check your energy level. How’s your energy level? Before going live, it can help to do some jumping jacks, putting some high-energy music on, or doing anything that you need to do to get your nervous energy out. It will also help you build confident energy so it comes across that way on camera. Naturally, the camera will flatten us out a bit. The way you talk on camera may be different from how you talk in real life, so get used to having a little more excitement on camera.

You might bring a higher energy level to your live broadcast than you would in a normal conversation with a person sitting across the table. Initially, it does feel a little bit awkward. But rather than calling it nervousness, you can change that into excitement. The feeling of excitement should be brought into your broadcast as you share your message. The message should be anything that you are confident talking about because if not, you tend to feel uncomfortable with that message.

  1. Practice what you are going to say. You can choose a place where there are no other people to disrupt you as you do your broadcast. There are actually a few different ways to do that. For instance, you can change the settings in your Facebook live broadcast to "only Me" so it won’t be shown to anybody else. You may also try doing it in a private group with only one or two other people. You can also just make a recorded video so you get used to speaking about the topic you want to share.

The more you practice in delivering your message, the more comfortable you become and as a result, you will feel more confident about yourself. Hence, excitement comes in knowing that you already had some of that practice under you and you are well-versed with the topic.

  1. Think that you are talking to one person. In a live broadcast, we think we are talking to everybody but the truth is to be the most effective on video, it's best to talk to just one person. To make this easier, think about that one person who you KNOW needs to hear your message and talk to that person. You can picture their face right behind the camera and talk to that person as you convey your message.
  2. Look right into the camera. It is essential to make eye contact with the viewers. On a live broadcast, you'll also look down at the comments, but for as much of the video as possible, make eye contact with your audience by looking into the camera lens. 

When you look into the camera and make eye contact with your viewers, it is just like you're having a real conversation between you and your viewers. Also, this technique is effective when you do not want to be distracted looking at the comments. You can picture and think of anything you want which may be helpful in delivering your message. But once in a while, you can look down for new comments to engage and interact with them. Then you can return your focus to the camera or in the notes that you have to continue with the next things you are going to say.

  1. Keep your message simple. This is true especially for those who are first-timers in live broadcast. You can give a few tips which you know that you can confidently share. Then afterwards, you can always build on that message.

To sum it all up, make sure that you have the right energy, proper practice, focus and that you are confident about your topic before you go ahead and hit that live button. But more than anything, JUST DO IT! Your confidence will come with practice!

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