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Marketing for Small Business 2019

marketing Sep 23, 2019

Every small business, solopreneur, and personal brand wants more customers. But when you're wearing all the hats, how do you know what works and what doesn't? That's the question we're answering in this video with marketing strategy for small business. 

Why is it so hard to market your small business? 

Every business wants more customers. Am I right? I know that as an entrepreneur, as a solo-preneur, as a small business with just a few employees or maybe just you, you are wearing all the hats, you're doing all the things to keep up and who has time to work on attracting new customers when you're so busy working inside of Your Business? Well today we're going to talk about some strategies that will help you market your small business so that you can sell more of your products and services and still have a life. Because I believe that even though you have a business, you should still have a life. I work with personal brands who are building their businesses online. I help them create an unstoppable personal brand so they can bring that expertise and that content anywhere with them.So even though you are really good at what you do, your audience doesn't know that yet.

Know the Problem Your Audience Has

So tip number one is to really focus in on understanding the problem that your audience is feeling. And it might be different from the problem that you think they have. Connect with your audience to find out what problem they are struggling with and how that problem makes them feel. Now, raise your hand if you are the multi-passionate Solo-preneurs of the world who are out there killing it in so many different areas. Here's the deal. If you are doing it all on your own, I suggest finding just one area where you can really hone in on and get really good at that one area first and know there are so many things you want to do, but trust me when we're focused in too many areas at one time, it slows everything down, so focusing on one area, one problem that you can solve for your audience and get really good at helping them with that one thing.

If you have a team and you have more people who are there helping you create content and do all of the things online, then you might be able to expand into more than one area. But the best brands that people who have the most success in who move the fastest are focused in on just a single area.

Create FREE Content

Tip number two, get really good at creating free content. This is the stuff that you send out into the world to help people know what you're all about and who you serve and why. When you're trying to decide what to give for free and what to put behind the payment gateway, always think about giving the what and the why for free, but save the how for your customers. Trust me, they'll thank you for it. So if you are currently spending your time on social media thinking, hm, what do I post today?

Then that's the wrong question. Instead, think about how you can add value in serving your audience by creating really great content. Then from there, spread that content out through your social media networks. You don't have to be in all places at once, but you do have to provide really great quality content.

Map Your Customer Experience

And number three, map out your customer journey. So whether that journey with your customer is in person or online, it's important that you as the content expert and business owner are the one who is really intentional about creating the kind of experience that you want your customers to have even before they become customers. So it's all about making sure you understand what value you can provide, how you can build relationships and solve problems for your audience before they ever even become a customer. And once they become a customer we're just getting started. And we want to obviously continue to add our very best, most valuable information to help them get to where they're going.

Get FREE Stuff

If you are building your brand online, there's a lot that you need to know. And sadly a lot of people are wasting a lot of time and money because they don't know what they don't know. So there's some things I want you to know! And that's why I've put together a complete guide to building an unstoppable personal brand that you can build online. So download your free copy so you can skip over all the marketing nonsense that doesn't work and build your business the right way.

If you've enjoyed this video and you found it helpful, then click the like button and leave a comment or some questions so I know how to best serve you in upcoming videos. And make sure you subscribe and hit that bell so you can be notified every single time I release a new video.


And until next time, just remember that your dream is worth fighting for.

Oh, I know you have expertise to share with the world. And if you've ever thought about creating an online course, then check out my next video because it's all about helping you understand how to leverage your expertise to serve more people and still have a life. 

Watch next: Online Course Creation 2019

JOIN NOW: Marketing Mastery Club

When it comes to talking about their businesses, many people are so close to their products or services they don't know where to start. People who market their brand the right way build more income and have more influence. Join the Marketing Mastery Club now to learn more about how you can capture attention and sell more of your products and services online.


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