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Social Media Marketing: 15 Facebook and Instagram Post Ideas to Attract More Customers & Sales For Your Business

social media marketing Oct 07, 2019

You are using social media for your business and it's a powerful way to reach a lot of people. Unfortunately, some people are turning away their customers because of the way that they're promoting. And you don't want to be one of those people. I know you don't. So how do you post in a way that attracts people and doesn't repel them? Well, that's what we're talking about in today's episode. So stay tuned.

My name is Amanda Bentow from and throughout my years in business, I've spent plenty of time wondering what to post. It's frustrating and frankly it's a waste of time. So let's dive in and explore a new way to think about this. Now.

Social Media Mindset

First, let's consider mindset. Most people are going into social media to numb their brain or entertain themselves or just pass the time while they're waiting in line or waiting for something to happen. They are not there to shop, but if they find something that peaks their interest, they just might buy. And as the wise entrepreneur that you are, you head over to the socials because that's where you can reach all the people and your goal is to grow sales. The next natural step is to tell them about your products and services that you will love so much. The problem is that that sometimes catches our social friends off guard and it repels them instead of attracting them closer to us.

So in our angst to make sales and make our goals, then we're actually pushing people away. That's when we get hidden, blocked or unfriended. So what can we do instead? Well, join them. Be social. But isn't that a waste of time? You might be asking, I mean, we all know you're a go getter with goals to achieve. There's got to be some rhyme and some reason. There's gotta be some method to your madness. I know I get your type. Look, there's plenty of method to the madness behind those simple posts that to you seem like such a waste of time. Things like, here's what I'm eating, here's what I'm doing during my day. All of those things that frustratingly get all the engagement but really have nothing to do with your business. And why is that? Well, it goes back to the mindset that we were talking about earlier.

Why Some Posts Get More Engagement Than Others

People are there to be social. So of course that picture of your cute little pooch is going to get way more engagement than the picture of your not so cute bottle of magic potion stuff that you know everyone needs. So instead of focusing all of your posts on your business and your products and the way that you can serve people, spend some time letting people get to know you. Spend some time being engaged, being social, having fun. Remember that social media is kind of like the cocktail party and we don't go to the cocktail party with our products in tow. We go there to just have fun, let loose and share some of the things that are important to us and the things that we do in our daily life. We're looking for people who have interests in common. And when you share a little bit more about your day, about your life, about your thoughts, that is when people get to know you, they relate to and they become your friend.

And a little more interested in hearing what you have to say about your products. So all those posts that seem like a waste of time because they're not directly related to promoting your products, are actually gaining you a lot more traction in the algorithm and in the minds and hearts of your audience. So number one, it allows people to get to know you. And number two, it teaches the algorithm who are the people who are engaging in this kind of stuff? Who are the people who like you for you? And then those people are actually going to see more of the posts that are related to your business because they've, you've built up a stronger relationship with them. And it teaches the algorithm that these people like to see your content that gives you more eyeballs and more engagement, which are always the yummiest things.

So think about sandwiching your business posts and your personal posts all together. You can think of your business posts as the lettuce and tomato and the personal posts as the cheese and the yummy sauce all smooshed together in your big Mac daddy burger that we call your social media page.

15 Post Ideas:

So now let's list some ideas of different types of posts to give you some inspiration and get you started thinking a little more creatively and a little more outside the box when it comes to your social media content.

  1. Get to know your customers, ask questions about them.
  2. Celebrate a holiday and tell us what you're doing or more importantly, what you're eating.
  3. Behind the scenes: give us a sneak peek of what life is really like for you.
  4. Tutorial. Teach us how to do something as it relates to your business or the industry that you're in.
  5. Share why you do what you do.
  6. Tell us something you've learned about yourself.
  7. Provide an inspirational quote. Give us some motivation or encourage us along their way.
  8. Tell us a story about you when you were a kid.
  9. Share the benefits of working with you. How does it make my life better?
  10. Showcase a product or service. But tell us the story. Make it more than just about the specific product or service itself.
  11. Confess some way that you go outside the norm.
  12. Tell us something about your morning routine.
  13. Share one of your favorite things that is not something you sell.
  14. Tell us about something you recently read and why it was important.
  15. Everyone loves a little game of two truths and a lie.

Other Ways to Find Facebook, Instagram, and other Social Media Post Ideas:

The other huge source for social media posts is the content that you're already creating.

It might be in the form of blogs, live videos, recorded videos like this one, podcasts. There are so many ways that you can create really great content and when you create valuable content for your audience, then you can pull that apart into tiny little bite sized pieces that you can share in social media. And that's a great way of bringing people back to your website where you can really develop a further relationship with them.

From there we can create an automated system that allows you to capture more leads of people who are interested in the products or services you offer or they're struggling with a problem in your industry that you can help solve and we can do all of that without you needing to actually be present in the moment. Someone can literally be learning from you in the middle of the night when they can't sleep because they're dealing with this nagging problem that you can help them solve all while you sleep like a little baby, knowing that you are bringing in income and through your automated system, so whether you're working on your social media or content for your website, the important thing to remember is that there is a real life human on the other side of the interwebs and they have problems that you can help solve.

They have pain points that you have already been through and you have the solution. They need your help and you have the opportunity to show up and serve. Remember that the technology is just a tool that allows you to reach them more easily.

FREE Stuff

If you want to learn more about creating the kind of automated system that I just described, then grab a copy of my free download, it's the ultimate guide to creating an unstoppable personal brand. It allows you to make more money and still have a life. And if you want more videos like this, then go ahead and subscribe. Just make sure you hit that bell so that you can be notified the next time that I put a new video out. And you can do us both a favor by commenting below this video with your thoughts or a question that allows me to create the kind of content that helps you move your business forward. And as always, remember your dream is worth fighting for.


Watch next: Marketing for Small Businesses 2019


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When it comes to talking about their businesses, many people are so close to their products or services they don't know where to start. People who market their brand the right way build more income and have more influence. Join the Marketing Mastery Club now to learn more about how you can capture attention and sell more of your products and services online.


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