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Network Marketing & MLM: Do I need my own logo?

marketing Oct 14, 2019

I'm often asked from people in network marketing if they need their own logo and you might be wondering the same thing. So let's discuss!

Hi, my name is Amanda Bentow from and I help you simplify your marketing so it's more effective and you can spend your time doing the things you love. Oftentimes when people are representing another company, they think, well that company has a logo, they have a website, they have all the things we need. So clearly I don't need to create one for myself. Right?

I would actually argue a little differently. I tend to think that you should have your own logo, your own website, your own brand that you can park your products and services under. So let's talk a little bit more about why, so that you can decide if that's right for you.

Look, the purpose of a logo is to tell people what the brand is all about. It doesn't need to be complicated. I actually prefer very simple logos. But what that does is it puts a stake in the ground and it ties all of the different elements to that logo. Things like feelings, emotions, aspirations. Those are all the things that our customers think of when they see our logo or hear our name.

Network Marketing: Build Your Own Brand. Here's Why...

When I coach people in network marketing, I encourage them to build their own brand rather than building the company brand and there are several reasons for this. All of which I've either seen or I've personally experienced.

#1. You might change your mind.

I know you love your company now, but I've seen where people have changed their mind for whatever reason, or people have become allergic to the products that they've taken. They develop sensitivities to those pills and potions they've swallowed. There are all kinds of reasons why people change their mind and they no longer want to partner with that company.

#2. The company might change their mind.

Now if you're partnered with a reputable company, it's not likely that they'll go out of business, but some have or sometimes the company changes direction and you have no control over that. You just have to go along with it regardless.

#3. You may find that you're made for more.

Look, I love the opportunities that network marketing provides and it's often a springboard to other things. You might decide that you'll offer coaching or online courses. Maybe you'll become a speaker or an author. You just never know where life is going to take you.

#4. You are unique.

No matter how great the relationship is between you and the company that you represent, you are unique. You are different from every other person out there who does exactly what you do. So why would you not want to differentiate yourself from all of the other people who doing that? No one can replicate you.

Build ultimate flexibility for your brand, even when you represent another company through Network Marketing or MLM businesses. 

The people who do the best at weathering those changes with the company are always the ones who built their own brands. They have their own logo, their own website, and they're able to capture leads to them as a person rather than sending all of their leads to the company that they represent. When you attract people to you first, then they see you as the expert as the authority, and then you're able to refer them off to the company that you represent or other products and services. But you get to serve them first. And that gives you ultimate flexibility to build a brand around a diverse array of interests so that no matter how your revenue sources might change over time, you are building your brand on a strong foundation and it can travel with you no matter where you go.

FREE Stuff

If you want to build the type of unstoppable personal brand that goes with you, no matter how your life or your business evolve, then I have a download for you that covers exactly that. Just click here:  Unstoppable Brand Guide and grab your copy so that you can make more money and still have a life.

And if you've enjoyed this video and you want more info like this, then make sure that you like the video and do us both a favor and leave a comment so that I know how to better serve you in future videos. And go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring that little bell so that you can be notified at the next time that I post a video. Have a great day. And until next time, remember that your dream is worth fighting for.


Watch next:  Social Media Marketing: 15 Facebook and Instagram Post Ideas to Attract More Customers & Sales For Your Business

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When it comes to talking about their businesses, many people are so close to their products or services they don't know where to start. People who market their brand the right way build more income and have more influence. Join the Marketing Mastery Club now to learn more about how you can capture attention and sell more of your products and services online.


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